Ted Cruz takes on Ellen Page over gay rights

In the movie Juno, actress Ellen Page played a snarky teenager who always had the perfect comeback and could rattle off monologues with perfect precision. However, Page doesn't have Diablo Cody writing for her anymore, and when she tries to argue with someone now, she comes across as a petulant 12-year-old. 

Ted Cruz was in Iowa yesterday at the State Fair, and was ambushed by Page, who thought she could show up a Princeton debate champion on the issue of gay rights. You can imagine how it went.

As you will see in the video below, Cruz didn't exactly deliver any zingers, but he didn't have to. Page wanted to argue theoreticals, while Cruz smartly kept his cool and delivered fact after fact. He enlightened Page to the real issue: the treatment of gays worldwide. Page wanted answers on "gays and trans" being fired from their jobs, but didn't mention a single real-world instance. Instead, Cruz pointed out the real discrimination, against Christians forced to violate their faith by having to serve gay marriage ceremonies. 

Perhaps Page's worst moment came when Cruz asked if she thought a gay florist should be forced to provide flowers for a Christian wedding whose beliefs they disagreed with. Page said yes, to which Cruz said "Well, I don't," saying he believed everyone should be free to make decisions based on their own beliefs.  

If you think Page was there on some mission for gay rights, think again. According to the Hollywood Reporter, she was filming a new reality show called "Gaycation" and the confrontation will be part of the show. Once again, it isn't about the cause, it's about herself. In the end, her hubris was her undoing, because her attempt to take on a law professor in a debate just made her look like the angriest pixie on the planet.

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