Democrat hates Clarence Thomas for having a white wife

Alabama State Representative Alvin Holmes, an African American who has served in public office for forty years, should be well aware of the challenges faced by minorities over the decades. As a liberal Democrat, however, it appears he gets a pass when he treats conservative African Americans like second-class citizens.

Holmes recently went on a bizarre rant on the floor of the Alabama state house, criticizing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for having a white wife and calling him an Uncle Tom. reporter Mary Sell originally reported Holmes' comments in a tweet on February 11, quoting Holmes as saying he didn't like Thomas because he was married to a white woman.

While the comments were largely ignored by the media, Holmes received enough criticism that he soon had to walk back his statements, claiming he didn't really have a problem with Thomas' white wife. Reporter Tim Lockette tweeted Holmes' excuse: he claims to have said other people might think he might not like Thomas's white wife. He said he didn't like Thomas because he was an Uncle Tom. He then pointed out that he supported an interracial marriage law in Alabama, which is like a white guy trying to prove he's not a bigot by saying he has lots of black friends.

Just to be clear: Homes likes interracial marriage, he just doesn't like black people who do not agree with him. Thanks for clearing that up, Holmes. We appreciate you making your hateful bias and hypocrisy so abundantly clear.

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