Urine big trouble, mister! Angry flier pees on fellow passenger

On Monday, a passenger on an Air Mediterranee flight who was not allowed to drink alcohol or smoke showed his displeasure by urinating on another passenger in mid-flight, causing a wild melee that led to two men being arrested.

The flight, bound for Paris after leaving Algiers, had to divert to Lyon, where the urinator was taken into custody along with an acquaintance who was also involved in the ruckus after the offending flier drained the snake on an unsuspecting passenger.

Twitter user @kenziRM tweeted out the photo below, taken during the scuffle during which flight attendants had to restrain the urinator. It is unclear if he removed his shirt when he began his pee party or if it came off during the resulting fight.

Among the charges the passenger is facing is exercising piss-poor judgment. Get it?

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