We were warned

As this year comes to a close, we look back and take stock of the last 12 months under Obama's liberal utopia. After seeing this video, and after all the other warnings about his arrogance and inexperience, perhaps we should be glad things aren't worse by now. Here, Keyboard Cat plays off 2009 with some of Obama's funnier mistakes, courtesy of Third Base Politics.

Yes, Virginia, There is Still a Merry Christmas

On Christmas Day 2008, the Dallas Morning News ran my column about Christmas. I thought I should reprint it here. Enjoy! 

Dear Virginia,
After your famous letter about Santa Claus, I thought it best to write you before you start to worry. Many people are wondering where Christmas went. It seems some folks don't mention it any more.Instead of "Merry Christmas," they say "Happy Holidays," "Season's Greetings" and "Happy Winter Solstice." If you go shopping, you may have noticed most stores won't mention Christmas by name or who it is named for. You probably saw news stories on TV that most cities and schools don't allow nativity scenes or any mention of the fact that Christmas is Jesus' birthday.

This is because they think it's the "politically correct" thing to do. You may not understand what "politically correct" means, and it's a little hard to describe even to adults, but it basically means: Don't offend people with lawyers.

Some people just don't want a Merry Christmas. Every once in a while, the Scrooges of the world gather together with the overeducated and the litigious, the skeptics and the religious bigots, and assorted patronizing New-Agers and all try to re-create Christmas in their own image. They are the ones who started the rumors about Santa being a fake, too.

After awhile, we all come around to our senses and things go back to normal. Yes, Virginia, there is still a Merry Christmas. You can say it to people and not worry about offending them. Even our Jewish brothers and sisters don't mind hearing it. If they point out their heritage, just apologize and wish them a Happy Hanukkah and a joyous Festival of Lights.

You usually don't run into people who get offended with a "Merry Christmas." They're too busy teaching at universities, making movies or chasing ambulances to meet you. If someone does get offended, just smile and say, "I'm sorry." In truth, if someone is so bitter that he or she can't stand to see others happy, you should feel sorry for him or her.

Some people think there is no room in this world for celebrating Jesus' birthday. The truth is that this world needs to celebrate it more than ever. Why some people are so afraid of a baby in a manger is beyond me. Maybe it's because they realize what that baby means. The Christ of Christmas was a gift that changes lives, even today. Angels heralded His arrival with "Peace on Earth" and "Goodwill to Man." Who couldn't use a little more of that?

Take the Christ out of Christmas, and it's just another day. It's an excuse for shopping or hanging lights. Those things are nice, but it's not what Christmas is all about. The spirit of Christmas, that special feeling you feel this time of year, isn't made by gifts and lighted trees. It's a mix of hope, love, faith and care for our fellow man. That's what the Scrooges all miss.

You can't outlaw that spirit or shame it into the ether. Ban it from public displays and town squares, and the spirit of Christmas finds a way. People will burst into a Christmas carol for no reason. Explosions of spontaneous generosity break out. Christmas miracles become a common occurrence. Yes, Virginia, there is still a Merry Christmas.

Christmas cannot be canceled, not by a dozen recessions. It cannot be smothered, not by a thousand Scrooges. It cannot be forgotten, not by a million cynics. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a problem or crisis in this world that cannot be solved with the love that God has shown us at Christmas.
It is why people say to keep the spirit of Christmas going all year long. We know of whose spirit they speak:

The Christ of Christmas told us how to truly celebrate His birth and life: Give someone who is thirsty a drink. Give someone who is hungry food. Give someone who is cold a blanket to keep him or her warm. Give someone who is sick the care he or she needs. Give someone who is homeless a place to lay his or her head. Give widows and orphans the help they may need. Give your neighbors and your enemies the love and respect you would like to receive. When you do those things for people, the Christ of Christmas said you do it for Him. Yes, Virginia, there still is a Merry Christmas.

As long as love, faith, hope and joy exist, Christmas, and its namesake, will endure in this world.

A Loch Ness Monster Christmas

Kokomo, Indiana couldn't display a nativity scene on government grounds, so they went with a Loch Ness Monster display instead. Seriously. To read the whole strange story, click here.

Obama Vs. Baby Jesus

President Obama tried to ban a nativity scene from the White House. Nobody bans Baby Jesus. NOBODY. To read about how "The Chosen One" took on the Almighty and lost, click right here.

Kudos to DISH Network

Here's something you don't see everyday: DISH Network is actually taking a stand for "Merry Christmas." Find out all the details by reading the Examiner.com column right here.

7 Lies. 2 Minutes.

Seven lies in less than two minutes. This guy is GOOD. To see the Examiner column featuring the YouTube video you have got to see, click here.

The Nymphos of Planned Parenthood

You might find this hard to believe...but you shouldn't. The folks at the International Planned Parenthood Federation have issued a manifesto demanding unlimited sex be made a human right for everyone...including kiddos! Yeah, it's weird, it's sick, and now everything else Planned Parenthood does makes sense. Click here to read the full story at Examiner.

Obama Puts Out Welcome Mat for Lobbyists

Here's a shock: journalists are investigating the White House. The AP has obtained records that show lobbyists and special interests are visiting the White House all the time, despite Obama's promises that he wouldn't allow them in. Click here to read my Examiner.com story on Obama's dirty little secret.